power cord directionality

IF power cords do indeed have preferred directionality, and one is inadvertently flipped for a few hours, does it "harm"it?
I wonder if all the wiring installed in your house by the building electrician has been installed directionally correct? đŸ˜·đŸ‡ŠđŸ‡ș
Is the preamp working properly? Does it sound fine? If so, don't worry about it. The wire doesn't care. Most commentators didn't know it was a wire between an outboard power supply and the preamp. So it IS supplying DC. All power cords going into the wall sockets, all interconnects and speaker wires are carrying AC and the current is reversing at many frequencies all the time. Unless someone is playing tricks with sheilding (some only ground one end in special situations) the directionality of wire is a myth.
You DO realize that, unless you’re running off batteries, it’s “Alternating Current” right?  So how in heck can power cords be “directional”!!!
If wire has "directionality" why hasn't somebody in the past two hundred years found a way to measure and quantify it? Instead all that can be said is "my golden ears tell me it is so". This is NOT a scientific method in the least!
Now back to the debate about whether copper or silver is better for passing an audio signal!