Power Cord for Power Conditioner

I'm trying to figure out if it is absolutely necessary to use a company's power cord with their power conditioners. No brand in particular.Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,
"Be aware of the man in the white lab coat, be very aware."

Agree. Often amps with the best specifications sound the worse. Deniers demand proof (scientific or blind test) but what they fail to understand is that it doesn't matter. If it is sounding better why to question it. Maybe it sounds better because of faith in cables (placebo effect) but final result is what counts. On the other hand cable deniers might hear no difference because of just the opposite - negative placebo effect but I seriously doubt that they even tried being so busy teaching others what they should or shouldn't hear.
Isn't this the way all religions start? First create a myth and attract a few followers. Then spread the myth until it becomes popular and raise money to continue the myth. The preachers make the big money. The more the myth spreads the more the preachers make.
"If it is sounding better why to question it. Maybe it sounds better because of faith in cables (placebo effect) but final result is what counts. On the other hand cable deniers might hear no difference because of just the opposite - negative placebo effect"

Very valid points in my opinion. Since it is a hobby why not do whatever it is that makes your toe tap?

"I'll let the deniers go to the shunyata site and read the white papers for any type of explanation why one snake sounds different than the others."

For what it is worth I think "holdouts from a bygone era" was more catchy than "deniers":). Not my call though.
In any case, I went to Shunyata's website and didn't find anything like an explanation. They do have a lot of verbiage about use of proprietary materials though (which is 100% consistent with old newspaper adds for snake oil & such).
"The more the myth spreads the more the preachers make."

- but people are happy.

I didn't realize how much our senses depend on our thoughts until I learned that one cannot tickle himself just because he knows who is doing that.
Hearing better because of strong belief in cables is very similar.
Well, I'm glad this is pretty much over...obviously "the deniers" are defaulting to reason as they are completely running around in circles with the same hollow arguments [which have been convincingly refuted] as well as childish name calling about religious fanatics etc...
I'm more amazed at their lack of open-mindedness than their holier-than-thou combination of arrogance and ignorance, but I better be careful not to resort to name calling too...sorry about that. It just never ceases to amaze me how thousands of dedicated audiophiles who trust their ears, [regardless of what their brains do or don't want to "override"], and fork over their hard earned cash for what is obvious to them as a worthwhile improvement to their system by the purchase of an aftermarket powercord... yet be so easily "dismissed" and looked upon as fools for such absurd behavior...
To those who listen, assess, and make their own decision to buy I say:
Congratulations! You obviously DON'T listen to other people's opinions as far as your purchases are concerned and you obviously DO trust the only factor that really matters in this entire hobby: your own ears.
For the deniers, as I've said before:
enjoy your stock cords...
wallow in being completely convinced you're "right"
and please stop preaching to fellow audiophiles [who seem to have, by the compelling evidence these arguments have exposed, either somewhat more resolving systems than yours OR somewhat more resolving hearing than yours] (perhaps both?).
Just a thought.
Have a nice day.