Power cord = steroids for a component--

The reason I used this steroids term is borrowed from member "Chuck".(in that) We both had CJ 8's and both switched to CJ' ss 350.Thus the 350 ss amp is like the 8a on steroids. (His term and I agree.)
Now we come to the "cable/power cord" part of this.
I just got a VD Master 2.0 cord for my AA Prestige se. (Installed this Monday.)--AA Prestige se on steroids is my best description. Before this cord I was using the original Shunyata King Cobra. I doubt I am exaggerating; I know steroids when I hear them.
Further, it's not like I'm saying somebody elses cord wouldn't yeild a similar result.--
Anybody else use this cord w/ a similar result?---OR--- What cord gave you a similar result?
Speakers are Wilson Soph. 2's-- IC's are SR, active x.--Speak. wire their 3.0--(VD). Audience conditioner--Amp direct from the wall.
"What cord gave you a similar result?"
Synergistic Research A/C Master Coupler on my amp.
I won't name any names but I will say that the initial power from a cable that seems like it provides steroids to your system can possibly wear on you. I recently had a power cord like that and it turned out to be fatiguing to my ears. Synergy is the key with power cords and all components. I look for the power cable that makes my system magical by helping to recreate the performance in my room.
The three best power cords I've had beyond the VD are the Stealth Dream, Dream State and Silent Source. I've also had the old Synergistic power cord, but haven't heard the new Tesla series.

I agree with John 100% about the difference between the VD and the more natural Stealth Dreams.

The Silent Source Power Cord ( $900.00 ) is not well known, but a real sleeper that you might try. This is the blackest, most revealing and most true sounding tonally power cord I've ever heard.

In my system, I went with the Dream State Spritual Dream series ( Lucid, Veridical and DreamCatcher ). They're warmer than the Stealth Dreams and work extremely well for me. IF you have Dream State power cords on EVERY component, the soundstage is a hologram.
I am glad that the AA is responding to the VD Master so well and what you are hearing is the real deal.The neat thing is that the cord takes at least three days to settle into the system.Some people report that the cords cause issues within ones system, I have found that the problems are already there and the cords just expose them.A good cord is just a better bridge that transports the juice in a cleaner faster with higher capacitance ( gauge dependent).As you go up the line with powercords, manufactures address more things in them.Hope this helps Dennis
Thanks Dennis--John: Hey maybe I don't hear that loss of decay --Well truth be told I don't. Does say brand x cord react the same in all systems??--Where were you guys when I made a post: What power cord?
I sure understand the potential for problems 'cause this thing might tip over a light cd player--or pull the iec right out of a piece.
I can say overall it improves the sound so much I can hardly understand where all this good stuff came from. In the end I sure think I got my money's worth,and then some. ---Which hasn't always been the case for me.--