Power cord to add ease and tame treble.

My system comprise of a Ayre CX7; Hovland HP100; Pass X150.5 and JMLab Diva Be. All IC are Cardas GoldRef, SC are Ridge St Poeima. The IC & SC were chosen after extensive in home comparo.

The sys sound pretty good but there is slight brightness, nervousness at the treble. The resolution is excellent. I have tried trivista DAC which warmed up the sound but lost sig. detail, front to back spatial clues. A friend's Cary 303/100 fits in between and is quite nice. Is there a way to tame the treble while preserving the details & reolution using a power cord?
Have you applied any acoustic treatments to the room? That's where I'd look, rather than power cables. Just a suggestion....
Did you try the Cardas Golden Reference speaker cable? I ask because in my experiences the Cardas seems to be quite smooth. The Ridge Street, although quit revealing, was a bit thin, leading towards listener fatigue, IMHO. I should mention that my Ridge Street experiences were with the interconnects, I haven't tried the speaker cables.

As far as a power cord to smooth the treble, try a Shunyata Cobra/Viper/Python, at least on your Ayre cd player. If you're looking to spend less, try a Cardas Golden Reference power cord.