Power cords

Was wondering if anyone had an opportunity to compare the new Audioquest Dragon power cord to Synergistic Research Atmosphere Level 3 or Galileo UEF power cords? I run a full loom of SR Atmosphere Level 3's and while I love what they bring to the soundstage width, height and depth, black background, great air & separation, layering and especially focus, not sure they are the last word in "body & weight". Wondering if someone has tried the AQ Dragons in their system to flush out a bit more body?
I forgot to mention and also agree David Weinhart is very knowing about Synergistic Research products. A small correction- Peter Hansen was with Synergistic Research before moving to The Cable Company.
You have a wonderfully nice system. Concerning wall outlets I would definitely consider trying the Red outlets with your monoblocks. They have less air and more punch than the Black outlets. The Blue outlets have some of the sound of the Black outlet but it just sounds better. The Black oulet has a sound that can be (to Me) just a little too thinning of notes but providing more of a sense of big space. Send them back if you do not like them. Experimenting with the Black Box location and even out of the room is always worth doing. It is also possible that you have too many SR dots on the walls. I use the HCT bullets and too many of those on the walls will thin out the sound. I do hope you will consider trying the Omega E- Mats, I LIKE what they do.

Finally since you have the SR grounding system (as I do), consider trialing the new SR Grounding Transducers that add "weight to the sound". Again if the do not work in your system, send them back.

David Pritchard
Post removed 
I’m going to give great advice that would serve ‘me’ well. You love what you have so changing cords, not mentioning cost, is not a good idea.
At first you’ll listen more intently ‘ hearing things you’ve never heard before’ then find something that’s not perfect. It’s never going to be perfect and you are already in a good place. FWIW
I checked out your set up....very nice!  Interesting but in my room the Black Box does what its supposed to,bass is not just more defined but cleans up mids and HF as well...more focused and defined.  I had an extra 4" GIK absorption panel that I inserted between my listening seat and the Monster bass traps....good call as it definitely created more separation and  "cleaner" crisper mids and highs.  One of my favorite pieces for soft mids and guitar work is Wicked Games by Chris Isaac and with the absorption panel it is even prettier and I can clearly make out the refrain which was not always the case.   BTW I did order a Galileo UEF pc to power my PowerCell 12 UEF...looking forward to evaluating it's impact.    Thanks for the input.

Good call, my bad.  Something I've neglected.  I do have a SR Black duplex feeding the monoblocks but nothing on the front end side.  I've taken David Pritchard's and your advice and ordered a SR Red and SR Blue to evaluate.
Thanks to all
@ptrck887 thanks for the update. Glad the rear wall treatment worked for you. I agree on the effect of the Black box, it’s very impactful across the frequency spectrum, just in my case a bit too impactful if you know what I mean! 

I’ll be interested to hear how the upgrade to Galileo cords on your power cells works out, mine are just stock so far so I could have this upgrade in mind