Thanks for the respone everyone. Audiofeil, no I do not believe Pass is being untruthful but I also believe they have not heard every possible combination of pcs with their products, that is why I wanted to this forums opinion. Also but please excuse my do I go about doing dedicated ground? Is it expensive? I am adding two 20amp circuits for my system soon. Is this something I would do when the circuits are installed?
Audphile1, thanks for the input as alwasy. I am going to audition some pcs from the Cable Co. I will try and sample a broad range of prices including the Dominus to see if I can hear a differnece.
Audphile1, thanks for the input as alwasy. I am going to audition some pcs from the Cable Co. I will try and sample a broad range of prices including the Dominus to see if I can hear a differnece.