I agree with most here that speaker placement and room treatments is the place to start. You need to get that right first. The biggest thing that made an impact to soundstage depth for me is having the speakers towed out, so that they are almost firing straight ahead. But that applies to my B&W 802’s, it might be different for you. Definitely suggest playing with toeing out your speakers though, in addition to the other suggestions regarding speaker placement.
After that, for sure, I find power cables (and other cabling) and conditioners all play into the degree of soundstage depth as well. However I found that the few conditioners I tried altered the tonal balance adversely. I found that the Torus RM20 (which is not a conditioner but rather a big honking isolation transformer that weighs 90 pounds - super simple and super effective) was far more even handed and has more instantaneous current supply than your amp could ever want. Torus told me that moving up to the more expensive AVR20 is pointless provided your AC supply stays within 4V of 120VAC. They suggested I purchase a Kill-A-Watt meter from Amazon, which I did, and I found my voltage to be fine. So I stuck with the RM20.
After testing my amp (Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated) connected to the Torus and to the wall, I found it was actually best through the Torus. This was NOT the case with the Audioquest Niagara 5000 I demoed where my amp sounded unquestionably better connected directly to the wall.