Power factor correction implementation?

For example Meitner Dacs. How is it achieved without external boxes
Isn't it as simple as using a power factor correction capacitor?

power factor correction in DACs? They consume very little current compared to a power amp that the benefit of doing PFC on a DAC by the manuf is probably not very beneficial to the utility company.
Or, am I missing something here??
Such devices would most likely use what is referred to as "passive" power factor correction - typically using some kind of passive network with one or more inductors and capacitors.

The most effective means for power factor correction is active power factor correction, which requires an impedance matching network (e.g., using var caps or other mechanism for matching the impedance of the load.) This solution, however, is more expensive and complex, and there is a question as to how much of an audible difference this would make in audio applications, particularly for line level components. (By contrast, in designing amplifiers for powering plasma chambers for thin film deposition, active power factor correction is a matter of necessity - a couple kW of reflected power is not the healthiest thing for your amp).

Rzado, power factor correction can be "Immense". Once you hear the dynamics and nuance revealed when power and current are in phase--you will remember it.
Refining the question. Technically, how is the true power versus apparent factor calculated and corrected for, within the player, for differences in the power source in various locations. Is there an automated tracking device,an oscilloscope comparing the waveforms and automatically calculating the the ideal capacitor size? Or?
Hi Ptss,

First, I certainly did not mean to imply that active power factor correction could not have an audible effect, just that there is not a whole lot of consensus on this point in the audio context - and I certainly tried to note that it can make a measurable difference. However, I am curious as to which components you considered that include active power factor correction that led to your view that the difference is "immense".

As to your more particular question, I am not sure what you are asking, particularly when you refer to the "player". To the extent I understand it, in active power factor correction you have a circuit that measures the impedance of the load (no need for an oscilloscope per se), and then via a conventional feedback loop adjusts the value of the matching network to match that impedance through, e.g., adjusting the capacitance of variable capacitors that are part of the impedance matching network. In very high powered applications, this can involve a rotating shaft that actually rotates the plates that comprise the variable capacitors, but in lower powered applications, there are a number of ways to accomplish the equivalent function.