Power handling capability of original Quad esl 57s

After many years of hearing about how wonderful the original Quad esl 57s are, I finally found a near mint late serial number pair. I'm in audio heaven! I used to own the 63s and the 989s, and these are much better ( in the sweet spot).

Now my question: what is the power handling capability of the 57s? There seems to be some confusion here. According to the original manual, it is safe to use any amplifier as long as it does not produce more than 33 volts at any impedance. This is an interesting specification because it does not differ from the 63s.

Ok, let's do some math. At 8 ohms, 33 volts into 8 ohms gives us
33^2/8 = 136 watts! At higher imoedances, power must drop, so at 30 ohms, the speaker can only take up to 30 watts.
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They don't really need 30. I use to use a Dynaco Stereo 35 power amp which had 17.5 watts a channel and my friend, who has a pair I sold him in the mid 70s, uses a rebuilt Heathkit with 8 watts. The Marantz 8B in triode, which was 12-15 watts [ I think, it has been a while], was also very good. Stability is the main thing as the impedance curve is extreme [ under one ohm in the top end]. The original Quad tube amps are being produced again but are not cheap. I never found the 57s very sensitive to differences in amps and I used them from 1964 to the time the 63 replaced them.

I share your enthusiasm for these speakers.

I have tried different SS / Tube amps with mine.

The original 303 amps they came with were good for 28 wpc at 16 ohms and 45 at 8 ohms.

I have a 405 amp.
Quad recommends resistors be put in the 405 100 wpc amp to limit its output with them.

Does anyone know what power this limits the 405 amp to - I am assuming about 50% ? This would answer the question as well.

I agree with Stanwal that they need very little power to sound "full".

And I am surprised at how good they sound with the 33 pre and 405 amp. These vintage Quad gear are readily available.
I believe it is 25 watts, but the original Quad II amplifier is only 15 watts.
The original 57 was designed to be used with 15 to 20 watt amp, because the early production did not have protection circuitry and people fried the speakers. Later versions, came with protection circuitry. There are new protection boards you can buy. With them installed, I've heard people using 150 to 200 watt amps without frying them, but I guess they are careful not to play cannon shots through the 57s.