ICEpower based amps like JRDG, Bel Canto, WiredforSound, and Gilmore, double in power when speaker impedance is halved. . . just have a look at actual specs on respective manufacturer sites.
Like with most amps I know of, of any technology, taking 2 otherwise identical class D stereo amps and operating them in monoblock configuration will most inevitably increase headroom, authority, staging, and so forth. . . no surprise nor dark plot there. . . just motherhood common to most technologies.
Like with amps of other technologies. . . some class D amps sound great, some sound good, and some are. . . struggling stragglers.
Some of us have adopted switching amps because of their compact size.
Others have been intrigued by their often attractive price/performance ratio.
Some of the more environmentally conscious audiophiles have gone 'switching' because of their operating efficiency.
Many of us have fallen in love with the sound of a particular amp regardless of its 'switchingness' . . . and are just glad of the fringe benefits outlined above that go with it.
I know that I, Muralman, DCSTEP, Rafael Dobs and many others have listened to many amps before falling in love with the sound of the particular class D devices that we so frequently wax poetic on these pages. Of course, our True Loves won't be everyone's choice. . . yet, do not worry about the aledgedly 'analog' nature of physical reality vs the supposed artificiality of digital sonic reproduction. . . just listen to a lot of amps. . . be patient. . . keep an open mind. . . and you'll never know what you may end up with.
Like with most amps I know of, of any technology, taking 2 otherwise identical class D stereo amps and operating them in monoblock configuration will most inevitably increase headroom, authority, staging, and so forth. . . no surprise nor dark plot there. . . just motherhood common to most technologies.
Like with amps of other technologies. . . some class D amps sound great, some sound good, and some are. . . struggling stragglers.
Some of us have adopted switching amps because of their compact size.
Others have been intrigued by their often attractive price/performance ratio.
Some of the more environmentally conscious audiophiles have gone 'switching' because of their operating efficiency.
Many of us have fallen in love with the sound of a particular amp regardless of its 'switchingness' . . . and are just glad of the fringe benefits outlined above that go with it.
I know that I, Muralman, DCSTEP, Rafael Dobs and many others have listened to many amps before falling in love with the sound of the particular class D devices that we so frequently wax poetic on these pages. Of course, our True Loves won't be everyone's choice. . . yet, do not worry about the aledgedly 'analog' nature of physical reality vs the supposed artificiality of digital sonic reproduction. . . just listen to a lot of amps. . . be patient. . . keep an open mind. . . and you'll never know what you may end up with.