Thanks for all the responses. It seems that after a recent thunderstorm where we did lose electricity temporarily 3 times my system now sounds different. I did not know that the AR1P had any surge suppression whatsoever....good to know.
Now I'm just not sure what may have sustained any damage. My Rogue 90 amp, Eastern Minimax preamp or Music Hall 25 1+ mods cdp. Can my Vandersteen speakers sustain surge damage? Or has the summer heat just set in and everyone is using their AC a lot more grunging up the power. What I do know is that my system was dialed in perfectly up to about a week ago. Now it has less bass and a harder midrange, there's less magic happening.
Now I'm just not sure what may have sustained any damage. My Rogue 90 amp, Eastern Minimax preamp or Music Hall 25 1+ mods cdp. Can my Vandersteen speakers sustain surge damage? Or has the summer heat just set in and everyone is using their AC a lot more grunging up the power. What I do know is that my system was dialed in perfectly up to about a week ago. Now it has less bass and a harder midrange, there's less magic happening.