@kota1 , I would have quit while you were behind. My S&P Index fund has done way better, as has my O&G fund, thought I am not sure that has much legs left and even my semiconductor fund is screaming again. But seriously, I don't know what you think you are accomplishing with these little cheap shots you keep taking. I never called into the light your lack of any knowledge of active speakers other than owning them until you decided to start this childish game. It is obviously that one of us knows speakers and one does not. Hint, it is not you.
My market is speakers for professional applications. Why would I know the latest and greatest way to spend 200K in consumer audio? It is not my market. I could just spend 10 minutes on the web and throw out some links, but that is hardly expertise. The correct answer to a question like that is a lot of questions, and perhaps some analysis of what the customer has. That is what I did. I did not start throwing out, repeatedly I may add, something that simulated a tube amp, when the customer did not even have a tube output amp. So again, I will ask, lay off the cheap shots.