powerful amp to drive ATC 20T 83db

hi, folks,

i just bought a pair of ATC 20T, low efficient 83 db. althoug they sound great but they very diffiuult to drive, any amp recommendation?
a friend told me that only class A amp not class A/B amp can handle it, is this true?
Krells drive ATC quite well. I've driven 10's and 50's with 'em. I assume the 20T's would behave the same. I've driven with both KSA 150 and KSA 250's. Both were very good combinations.
guess whats the best combo...........

Quad 606.

you wont believe it, but it does happened.
honestly, i'd use the ATC power amp and pre. they mate extremely well.

either way, enjoy the atc's. they're incredible. i use 50's and 10's. (the active versions)
thanks folks.
Lafish, i will be surprised if Quad 606 can really hadle this 20T?
a friend told me that KBA 75 is a good class A amp for ATC 20T? has any one heard of?
BTW, what will be the good IC or speakers cable for ATC?