Pre-amp for Rowland Model 102

I'm looking to match a pre-amp to my JRDG Model 102 class D amp. I figure the Capri would be a good match since it also has a switched mode power supply, but, how well would a Klyne or Ayre K5xe match? Thanks.

Thanks for the answer. No need to apologize for being unscientific, this isn't a classroom. Just to clarify, your description of treble IM, to me, sounds like its a matter of getting timbre correct. Not an easy thing to do but its extremely important.


The above comments make me think what it is that I like about my Rowland 112. When I first got it, I definitely thought it was rolled off in the HF's. The more time I spent with the amp, however, made me change my opinion. All the information is there. Cymbals sound like cymbals and not like you took a piece of metal dropped it on a hard floor. I'm pretty sure I was mistaking the amp being rolled off, when it was just doing a very good job of making the HF's sound like what they are supposed to be, instead of noise. The amp does have some flaws, though. Thats why I was curious about your 102.
Hi Guido,

Thank you for the info, I had read your feedback on the PC1 a few weeks back. I think the PC1 (or a simple DIY OPS-U500-385 conditioner) would be a nice upgrade. Have you had a chance to compare the 201s with Lundahl transformers to the 102?

For now I'll keep looking for a used Capri or Klyne. The K5xe also a possibility.
Hi Feds, regretably, I have not had the opportunity of listening to M102. Looking at published specs, I suspect that M201 may yield a somewhat greater staging and imaging, and perhaps a bit more authority... M102 yields 100W over 8 Ohms and 200W over 4 Ohms with 11 Amperes of peak output current; M201 is rated at 250W over 8 Ohms and 500W over 4 Ohms with peak output current of 35W. On the other hand, specs alone may not tell the whole story: I have heard a few times M201 running out of steam On MagnePan 1.6 and Vienna Beethoven Grands. G.
I purchased a Capri a few years ago on the advice of Guidocorona, to replace an ARC LS25Mkll, and it is outstanding. The optional phono card is great too. I had hoped that the next Rowland model wouldn't be 4X the price, so I'm happy to keep the Capri.
Rowland has just announced at CES the Capri Series 2 preamp, which will replace the original Capri, and should share the same form factor. Like the original Capri, Capri S2 supports an optional phono card.... but will also be available preconfigured with an optional DAC card. Apparently the Capri S2 circuit, as well as the DAC card, have been designed by Jeff Rowland in collaboration with Holm Acoustics of Denmark. Unless I am wrong, shipment should start Q2 2013.

Oh yes, and just to make things even more fun, there is now a slightly heftier new brother of M102, called the M125.... Same form factor, with a Newer ICEpower module, with power rating of 125W over 8 Ohm, and 250W over 4 Ohm.

Saluti, Guido