Pre-amp for Rowland Model 102

I'm looking to match a pre-amp to my JRDG Model 102 class D amp. I figure the Capri would be a good match since it also has a switched mode power supply, but, how well would a Klyne or Ayre K5xe match? Thanks.
Rowland has just announced at CES the Capri Series 2 preamp, which will replace the original Capri, and should share the same form factor. Like the original Capri, Capri S2 supports an optional phono card.... but will also be available preconfigured with an optional DAC card. Apparently the Capri S2 circuit, as well as the DAC card, have been designed by Jeff Rowland in collaboration with Holm Acoustics of Denmark. Unless I am wrong, shipment should start Q2 2013.

Oh yes, and just to make things even more fun, there is now a slightly heftier new brother of M102, called the M125.... Same form factor, with a Newer ICEpower module, with power rating of 125W over 8 Ohm, and 250W over 4 Ohm.

Saluti, Guido
Thanks Guido, Any idea if the original Capri will be upgradeable to the Series 2?
Excellent question JL.... I have no idea if JRDG has plans for upgrading current Capri to S2 status, or even if it is feasible. I will add this to a list of questions that I need to pose To the Rowland factory.
Hi Guido, would you know if the model 125 uses the 125asx2 board? How does the 125 differ from the 102? Thanks.