Pre-Amp Help

Currently shopping for a pre-amp below $4500.00.

My system consists of the following:

CD - Ayre
Amp - Cary Mono Blocks MB 500
Speakers - Paradigm S8

I am currently looking at the following pre-amps - Cary SLP-05 and the Ayre - K1XE.

Pls let me know of your opinions & suggestions.

Check out the Art Audio pre amps. I have the VP1 Mark II with the phono section. I can't tell you it matches your amps but if it does you will like what you hear.
Teajay, right now I am not changing anything out, but thanks for the info. In fact, I don't anticipate changing out the Cary SLP98p in the foreseeable future. It's my favorite piece of gear.
Sorry Macdadtexas, my mix-up, I meant the information on the Eklipse to be for Ajackson1 not you.