Pre-amp suggestions for Thiel 2.4/Pass Labs XA30.5

Looking to get a pre-amp to mate with my Thiel 2.4s and the Pass Labs XA-30.5. I've got about at $2500 limit and need a phono section (or need to to pick up a MM phono stage in addition... but still stay under the $2500 limit). I'm currently using a Classe CAP-151's pre-amp section, but it seems that it's getting outclassed a bit by the new additions. Any suggestions? I'm open to both tube and SS options.
Owned the Aleph 3, 2, and J - and loved them, but I would describe them as amps that do best with speakers that are tube friendly - highish and smooth impedance - non are real current monsters, which is what I think a speaker like the Thiels or Maggies need.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what amplifiers Theil has used at shows the past 5 - 10 years? Likely a good match. I actually heard 3.6s with ARC VT100s a few years back and that sounded pretty darn good, so even a well designed tube amp with enough power should work.
Thiel has used a variety of amps at shows over the years. When I questioned them about it, they admitted that they didn't always use their preferred amps, that often times it was about what the local dealers provided, or about trying to demonstrate that though not necessarily optimal, their speakers could be used with a variety of amps, including some less expensive ones in an effort to promote sales to an audience that might otherwise be scarred off by the thought of specific amp requirements. They admitted that they would have preferred to show their speakers off to their best ability, but due to logistics or other agendas, they didn't always do so. Though not specifically said; I suspect the smart business strategy of maintaining some give and take as well as just plain diplomacy with various manufactures might have come into play as well.
I bet the Belles MB-200 Monoblocks up for sale right now would drive the heck out of them.
Pubul57...Thiel has shown its speakers often with Bryston and Simaudio amplification at shows int he last 2-3 years. But again, as Unsound has pointed out, this could be more a function of local dealers, etc...I drive my 2.4s with ARC Ref 110 and love the combination. I am probably leaving a little bit of performance (dynamics and lw end extension) on the table but what I gain in terms of tone/timbre, separation, transparency/resolution, and 3D dimensionality is quite nice. I initially drove the 2.4s with Musical Fidelity's A5 integrated amp (250wpc into 8ohms and 500wpc into 4ohms) but the top end was a bit jarring and resulted in listener fatigue. I also tried out Simaudio P7/W7 (separates) and the i7 (integrated) for about a week each and liked the Simaudio/Thiel combo.