Pre-amp suggestions

I have an aragon 4004 mkll and a pair of paradigm studio 100 v2's and a cal audio labs icon mk11. Anyone have any suggestions on a good pre-amp match for this set up. I was considering a little CJ PV-10 just to try. Very inexpensive way to see how a tube pre might sound with my set up. Thing is i dont want to lose the bass punch but like to smooth out that top end. But then again i might lose detail and air using a tube pre as well. Any suggestions would be most appreciated Thanks
The CJ PV-10 is fine. Other choices not mentioned above might be an Anthem Pre1, Pre1L, or Pre2L if you want tubes, or a CJ solid state. You won't lose any bass or air with the Anthems. Very extended frequency response, very dynamic, very nice. Same with the CJ solid state. The PV-10 is a little warmer and softer. I had an AI M3a, and sold it because (1) I liked the Anthem Pre2L better (2) tubes don't last as long in the AI, and (3) the as tested output impedance of the AI was close to 2kohms, which could lead to a low bass roll-off with amps with low input impedance (one of mine has 10kohm input impedance).


Must have been something wrong with it or poor system matching.

If you are concerned about "bass punch" you might want to reconsider the PV-10. It will "smooth out the top end".
I used a Melos 111B with an Acurus A250, Cal Icon Mk II and Paradigm Ref. 100's. I was satisfied for a good while. I still have the Melos and the 100's. Switched to Sonographe and a 2 piece digital system.