Pre-AMP to Match a KRELL KSA-250s

I have been hunting for a pre-amp to match my Krell KSA 250. I am currently using a Meridian 506 CD player and B&W CDM-7se's. Have MIT XLR’s ready for a pre amp and am using Transparent Audio "the wall" in wall reference premium series speaker wire.

The CD player will be changed soon, probably to a Rega. I have a set of B&W 803's on the way.
Please help... I am considering a AR LS-26 or less expensive AYRE K-3 or K-1 but don’t want to lose any punchy bass. I need XLR inputs and out’s and a remote control. Age doesn’t matter. Dark sound is ok
Currently the Meridian is plugged directly into the KSA250 using Tara Labs RCA's. No volume control!!

More and more PRE amplifiers are becoming part of my decision. What about a BAT 31?

Microstrip, I like the LS2 idea and used to own that and a ls7. Heriman, I can attest to what Bryhidi is saying about page 3 on the manual as though I have the original manual right here. Everyone makes a mistake here and there. Dob, the Jouole-Elctra LA-150 is going to have to enter my list of pre-amps to research.

3 Questions:

1. What do you all think of my Meridian 506 20Bit, Should I change this player before the pre-amp? It's resolution is good but seems a bit bright on sounds like cymbal crashes.

2. I am leaning towards trying to stay solid state and Brand specific. I was about to buy a krell KRC-HR but then figured I should try to save for the KCT. Would I hear much difference between the two?

3. What about the Levinson 380s?

I am selling my B&W CDM's 2xpairs for a set of 802's.
The CDM 7 are listed here, If anyone of you are interested I can give u a special deal..

Answer any of these questions if you have time...

Thanks for your help
I forgot to mention that I am serious considering the AYRE k1xe and MAC C2300 along with the Levinson 380s AR ls-26 or ReF 2 and Krell KCT or KRC.

I know I must narrow things down here. I'm leaning on the krell or Ayre K1.
Here are the main features I need in a Pre.

2.2x XLR inputs
3.1x XLR output

Again, Any info in comparison or on just one model mentioned would help.

If you are leaning towards Krell preamplifiers look for the KRC - it is much better than the KCT - bass was fuller, much better controlled. The KCT sounded sterile compared with the KRC. Although I prefer tube preamplifiers (DarTZeel is my exception) the KRC was exceptional for a solid state preamplifier. I owned the HR version. The phone section was also really good.
However, be prepared to change all the electrolytic capacitors in a used KRC. These preamplifiers run hot and the capacitors should be defective nowadays.
Microstrip, thanks for the info. You know, everybody that I have talked to, 8x+ people, have said they prefer the KCT vs. the KRC's, including the HR model
I am curious, what kind of dynamics made you lean to the less expensive KRC.

A Denon DCD 3500RG ? One of the less annoying CD Player on earth. So smooth and liquid and....25,6kgs. Acchh yes, this is the reason why in fact ;-)