pre jef rowland or bat 50 SE

Y HAVE A ROWLAND 12,WHAT PRE IS THE BEST IN THE RANGE 4 TO 5k .y will by a cary 306/200 OR EMC1 mkll what do you think.
Do you want tubes or don't you? they are both highly regarded preamps and I think it boil down to synergy between what other components are in your system.
Tireguy has good advice on this one. Like ford or chevy...both good, it's a matter of preference.
the Rowland Model 10, and thought it was one incredible setup - possibly the best I've heard, but it's a synergy (no Rowland pun intended).

The BAT is not exactly your standard tubey sound - a bit more analytical.

Can you audition each???

Good luck, and good listening.
