Preamp/ Amp matching

I need some advice on matching a preamplifier to my existing tube amp. The amp is an Audio Research D250 with single ended inputs only. I am concerned that a more modern preamp would be a waste because of the balanced circuitry involved as opposed to a preamp built around the same time as the amp which only has SE outputs. Budget at this time is of MAJOR importance and leaves me with few choices as I would also like a remote. I am currently looking at the following models.
VTL 2.5
Thanks for the responses everyone. I am aware that balanced has been around for a while in pro and home gear. As far as the Audible Illusions, I do like the pre but I would really like a remote. I am currently using a Sonic Frontiers signature phono stage so I can get away with a line only pre. I'll spend some more time on the web checking out all of my options.
I really would like to get an LS-9 due to some fairly good reviews, price, remote and manufacture but I also noticed that most people use it with balanced outputs. My concern is that this could mean that ARC has skimped out on the single ended design of this pre and focused on mainly the balanced circuitry.
Am I being petty? Or is there some valid consideration?
I agree that many respondents seem hung up on balanced connections,but I would also think that it would be better to go for a manufacturer which is all single ended. The main one of course is Conrad Johnson, I use the Premier 17 which is not cheap of course, but have used the PV range which are all good and quite cheap on Audiogon. I prefer CJ to ARC anyway, but what do I know. Balanced is only really important in long cable runs and in many instances SE can be better, although it seems to me the difference is marginal.
Hi take a look at Gary's entry level pre ($450) on up to his reference pre are all great values.