Preamp for Jadis Defy 7 mk2 recommendations

I am looking for any recommendations for a great preamp to match up with my Jadis Defy 7. I just bought this piece and also own a Jadis Orchestra Reference, which I love.

I am considering a Jadis JPL and an Audio Valve Eklipse.

Can anyone offer any advice of either of these 2 preamps or perhaps suggest something else.

I have set a budget of $6000 and I would love to find something used, but in terrific condition for about half of that.

Thanks in advance. I really enjoy the passionate opinions and discussions on Audiogon and look forward to your remarks.
A friend of mine owns yours Jadis power amp and he matches it with Jouole-Electra LA-300ME. Sound is simply unbelievable!!!!

This month, J-E LA-300ME has received Harry Pearson of TAS "HP 2010 Editor Choice Award", He wrote that it is the most romantic preamp but without any euthonic coloration he can hear. This is exactly what I and many other owners of this preamp wrote in our on-line reviews and posts.

With this preamp there is nothing but music and it grabbes you and does not let you go and you cannot stop listening

All The Best
Well... I assumed the JPL would be the perfect mate to my Defy 7, but it is just not the sound I am looking for.

Rafael, I wish I could try one out before buying it. I will have to see if there is Joule dealer in the Chicago area. The is a Joule LA-150 listed right now.

I will be listing the JPL pretty soon, but I sure would like to find someone with a great replacement for it before I list it.
I can only repeat Harry Pearson impression of Joule-Electra LA-300ME preamplifier. The most involving, most grabbing and not letting go component I ever,ever owned or auditioned. Probably all love Mr. Barber experienced toward his late wife (this is memorial preamp) is manifested in this jewel. Also, HP is correct - there is no euophonic colorations I can hear yet its so sweet...

I cannot recommend this preamp highly enough and I owned or auditioned I think all best tube preamps around.

I am playing on Defy7 with passive TCV, a Signature the best version of Promitheus. That is a very good match, sound better that my previously active pre, like BAT-VK30 and Sonic Frontiers-SFL2, for music lovers. I've been thinking about Music First Audio yet.
additionaly Amparex 7316 in 12au7 position absolutely perfect sound.
I am going to retube my Defy with new reissue Gold Lions, adjust the bias and see if I can fine tune this thing.
Right now I am still listening to my JOR and if I can get the Defy sound a little stronger than the JOR, I will be a very happy man.