Preamp for R2R DACs

This is exclusively for my office setup. Currently I have a dedicated HP laptop with high spec as my core for Roon playing out of OPPO 105 USB dac running KRK rockit powered speakers. Been interested in R2R dac like schiit Gungnir or yaggy - the only problem is these DACs do not have a preamp like OPPO does. What options do I have to run my music volume control for such a setup. Keeping in mind this is for my office and I don’t want a big preamp/amp unit since I have powered speakers. 
On the cheap, Schiit sys is a passive  pre. 2 inputs 50.00. 15 day trial.  Luminous audio has stepped alternator for 195.00.

Schiit Vali2. Tubed headphone amp/ pre amp. 
it’s only that I am afraid of potentially introducing a weak link - preamp in this case - as I am sure it’s opening a can of worms as to which preamp is better etc.
I wouldn’t worry so much about the Schiit preamp as between it and the R2R DAC it’s your speakers that would likely be the weakest link at that point. Add an Aegir amp with a pair of Silverline Minuet Supreme Plus speakers and you’re in a whole new league IMHO. And you’re right — you’re opening a can of worms here.

@soix being an old post - thought I should share how the office set up paned out. Ended up selling OPPO 105 and the KRK Rokit (possibly the 2 weakest links). Current set up for office (15x8) room. 

HP dedicated laptop running Roon Core 
Metrum Onyx DAC 
Croft Integrated amplifier 
Harbeth P3esr speakers 

Still to add: Kimber Kable TC8 speaker cable or another less expense brand (need 30 feet of wire)
Power conditioner 
Upgrade to better IC - currently using Morrow Audio MA2

Couldn't be happier with the revamp. Sounds amazing. 
Nicely done!  Sounds like a huge upgrade.  You might check out Audio Envy NV-SP6 cables.  They offer 30’ length at only around $250 and have built a good following here.