Preamp into Quad Actives?

Perhaps I should not look further than my Rotel RC1070 pre running into my Quad 12L active speakers, but I'd like to try a tube pre and/or balanced cables. Budget would be under $1,500. Anyone have opinions about this combination?

How many sources are you using? There are some GREAT inexpensive single input tube pres available.

BTW, I think I've read that the balanced input to the Quad actives is the better choice for sonics. I don't have a balanced pre-amp or source, so I haven't tried my 12L Actives using the balanced input yet, but if I buy a new pre-amp I'm certainly going to look for one with fully balanced outputs too.


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BTW, my typical source for my Quad 12L Actives is an Oppo 970H with level 2 mods from EVS ( It has built-in remote controlled variable volume control (as do all Oppos) and it is a nice solution with the Quad 12L actives. The Oppo supports CD, DVD, DVD-A, SACD, HDCD and pretty much all other forms of silver disc, except Blue-Ray/HD-DVD.

So, I currently don't have any pre-amp in that system, but I may add one so I can connect my new Basis Turntable.
