Preamp is an amplifier too, right???

I just hooked up my little Cary 2A3 monoblocks to a solid state pre, and I can swear the system sounds like it has more balls. I dont know if I like the sound as much, but it definitely seems louder. Does a solid state pre amplify the signal more than a tube pre? No one ever talks about preamplifier power, yet thats what it does, right? Or am I missing something? thanks.......Mark
Preamps depending on their circuit topology (and there are few ways to design an input driver) can produce an output power(especially ss-preamps).
There are also SS-preamps(base- or gate- coupled output stages) that do increase voltage in very-small sacrifice to current thus still able to increase power as well.
I did an experiment just like Sean mentioned by simply connecting an output transformer to Bryston B11 preamp and than to small monitor speakers(only to play with) and it worked but clipped not even reaching 12 o'clock...
An output power tube basically has a very large output impedance thus also mainly amplifies voltage. It certainly requires either transformer or reverse-polarity load(negative feedback) as it's done with OTL.
Sogood: jealousy is a bad thing. If a guy wants to experiment with different combinations of equipment, what's the harm?
Thats right, pre just amplifies voltage, not power. Gs556, what do you mean by a pre drives a load of thousands of ohms? The typical amp presents that much of a load, why? ONe more question: what is the problem using a SS pre with tubes? I thought SS pres were more dynamic, "faster", they add rhythmn and pace, and firm up the bass. Tube amps add bloom and tone. If you need what a SS pre can give you in the system, dont you use it? thanks.......mark
Ehart, there is no jealousy. Most posts asking about pre amp are from people that still have a receiver. He starts out with cary monoblocks, my poke was ment more at light humor. To much money, tubes with solid state. I guess I could have left the part about not knowing anything out. I need to work on my audiophile tact.