Preamp recommendations for under $600.00

I would appreciate a few Preamp recommendations for under $600.00. Could be new or vintage, SS or Tube. Thanks in advance.
Thank you everyone for your thoughtful comments. Yes, I should have mentioned that I am new to the forum. I am just starting a poor man's sound system. I have a Conrad Johnson SA-250 ss power amp arriving any day now. I am looking for some Maggies. Will run an Marantz CD5004. Vinyl will be played on a B&O (I don't recall the model) using a NAD PP2. Sounds like a power condition is important, too.

Again, thank you!

PS: Anyone out there running a Dynaco PAS 3 into a SS amp?
I have 3 modded PAS 3 which I use with SS amps, as good as most 1500-2k units.
IMO best is Bottlehead Foreplay which sounds about as good as anything except in last octave of bass, which is still OK.

However, neither seem to show up here much lately .
I would recommend a used Conrad Johnson also per Mofimadness. You know it will match your amp, and they sound spectacular!
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Thank you Viridian. Interesting idea. How many hours of assembly does the Smash (or the TSGG) take, and does one have to be a very skilled with the solder gun?