Preamp suggestions


I am looking for preamp suggestions for my current system. I like good resolution and definition along with some punch and well defined bass. I have little experience with what’s out there as for these characteristics. Mainly been looking in the $800 - $1500 range, new or used.

Amp – Halo A-21
Speakers – B&W 683
CD Player – Cambridge 740

Preamps tried:
Halo P-3 – felt this was way too laid back for what I like. There were some really nice aspects, but overall just not enough punch or resolution.

Rotel RC 1070 – This one just doesn’t cut it on any level for me – not saying it might not work well in some systems, but for mine it’s very disappointing.

Carver CT24 – no joke, this has great resolution in the high end. Even a couple of friends agreed that it is very pleasing. Issues are the mids are a little muddy and over driven and it can seem harsh at times and it’s really old, but it was what made me realize some of the potential of the Halo and B&W 683s and to start looking for a decent preamp to begin with. I just want to reach the full potential of what I currently have – i.e. the Carver is actually “fun” listening – with the P-3 and RC 1070 I missed that.

Preamps I have been considering from reviews and reputation – Cambridge 840E, Arcam FMJ C31 or C30, PS Audio GCP 200 and I’ve seen several used from Krell, Classe and Bryston within my budget. Problem is, without hearing them in my system, it’s another shot in the dark, having little experience with different brands and their specific characteristics. I would also like to stay with solid state at this time.

Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated. I know this isn’t a “high-end” system, but it can certainly be more enjoyable than it is currently and I can’t just keep buying preamps hoping that I hit the right combo for what I like – nice clean sound, good resolution - something that makes listening fun…

I use French-made Atoll PR300 with my A21. Used it's in your price range, and has every quality you're looking for. I've never seen products from different manufacturers that work this good together. To me it sounds even better than the Parasounds own JC-2 pre.
Second the Modwright,above average build quality and sonics at your price point.
I third the Modwright. Excellent sound and value. Punches way above it's price point.