Preamp suggestions for a McCormack DNA-125?

HI. Any preamp suggestions for a McCormack DNA-125? I just picked one up to try out. My speakers are Soliloquy 6.3's, and I listen mostly to jazz and classical, as well as some electronic music (mostly downtempo and ambient, some trance). I am looking for something with nice detail yet with some "meat on the bones".

Some preamps that I was considering were various models from ARC, the Joule LA-100, Wright preamp, C-J PFR or Premier 10. My budget is approximately $900. Tubes or SS would be okay. Thanks for the suggestions!

I had great success pairing my McCormack DNA 0.5 with an ARC LS-7 (then when $ were available, upgraded to a Supratek Syrah).
RE "Just picked one up to try out": No matter what the pre, I've found it's important to leave this amp continuously powered-on for best sound, so I recommend giving at least 48 hours warm-up before passing final judgement or when auditioning complementary gear.
The McCormack's work really well with both passive and tubed preamps... though the flavor is different with each.

Very clean with the passive, but lacking that bit of dynamics that an active stage brings to the table.

Tubed units are a mixed bag. Sometimes you can find one that is transparent, and then get some tube bloom for enhanced soundstaging. Other times you will be sadly disappointed that they just can't compare in terms of clarity to a passive pre. But the dynamics should be better and the soundstaging and tonality more "tube-like".

No perfect answer, unless you come across a really transparent tube line stage. I've been using an Audio Prism Mantissa for many years and it is very transparent but also very hard to find used (you may find it as a Red Rose, since ML bought Audio Prism's electronics group to form Red Rose).

I suggest you try a Conrad-Johnson PV-10B with Phono stage. You can find them right here on Audiogon, and within the price range you are looking for. The 10B is a very nice sounding tube pre-amp that is built to very high standards of quality. I owned one prior to my purchase/upgrade to a C-J Primier 17LS.
I used to own a PV-10A and was dissapointed with the lack of detail and frequency extension-the midrange was nice however. I was missing alot of the detail in the music though....