Preamp suggestions for Classe cap 150 under 1000

Putting together system from stuff I didn't have the heart to sell.LSA statement speakers,Exemplar tube cd,Modright modded Monolithic Sound pre and phono amp and linn table,a lot of silver wire,not bright very smooth.The amp section of this integrated is nice pre amp is is muddy.I'm a tube fan so tubes would be nice,I have plenty of old 6922 type,12ax7,12au7,6sn7.Havent used solid state pre in a long time but open to suggestions.never used passive or know anything about it but will if it works,I run no more than a meter in cables,can you get anything for under 1000 or less used,thanks
Not a suggestion, but I used to have a system with a Classe-CAP 151 and an Exemplar-Denon 2900. I really loved both of those pieces.
My problem were the tubes in cd player forgot they were old and worn out,its been sitting up so long.New tubes came in yesterday(amprex)not veiled or muddy like before.Should have tried another source before assuming it was the amp.I still would like to add a Preamp.Anyone ever hear Transcendent Sound Grounded Grid preamp,I could build one for $500.I would buy used Quicksilver but $800 seems high for a used $1000 retail preamp.
My (10 y/o) exemplar totally killed an Oppo 105 a few years back, really a great player. Glad to hear you resurrected it.
Amp came back to life after running 24/7 for 3 1/2 days no need for pre amp.Integrated was too tranparent and hi fi sounding after putting in tubes in cd player.Been so long since I ran a solid state amp. my mccormack dna rev a took 3 to 5 days to sound right and ran it 24/7 365,forgot all about that.