There is a "Box" from England that has a circuit which "fools" shortwave radio EQ into working as grounded when in fact there is "No" actual ground. Developed for enhancing the signal quality available to people relegated in that hobby to "Odd" set-up area's. There are a few video's on "Youtube" about it with this, "Circuit". They linked an address as well for a schematic of the circuit. "Which I downloaded but have yet to really investigate asn to what that circuit should actually do". I have now looked "Inside", a couple of different "Grounding boxes". They have had basically the same interior set-up with a foil or thicker metal, "V" inside. Some had metal plates behind the "V". Some had several of the plates. One had two copper rods behind that, "V".
One had what I believe is a "Capacitor bank" as well inside. but at the time I did not have anything on me to test it with. These were the size of "Soup cans". And with the leads set-up the same as the average catalytic cap you see in most amps.
One used a foil made from silver as the "V". The rest were Cu.
One ,"V" was even a "Grounding Bus Bar" that looked like it had been placed into a vise at the half-way point and then, "Beaten" with a maul until the, "V" shape they apparently wanted was achieved!
All had varied amounts of a black mineral. Some had the mineral in plastic bags. Some were simply loose inside the boxes interior filling it.
And that is where I am currently at.
One had what I believe is a "Capacitor bank" as well inside. but at the time I did not have anything on me to test it with. These were the size of "Soup cans". And with the leads set-up the same as the average catalytic cap you see in most amps.
One used a foil made from silver as the "V". The rest were Cu.
One ,"V" was even a "Grounding Bus Bar" that looked like it had been placed into a vise at the half-way point and then, "Beaten" with a maul until the, "V" shape they apparently wanted was achieved!
All had varied amounts of a black mineral. Some had the mineral in plastic bags. Some were simply loose inside the boxes interior filling it.
And that is where I am currently at.