Prima Luna Dialogue 3 or Cary SLP 98L?

I'm choosing between a new Prima Luna Dialogue 3 and a used Cary SLP 98L. I'd be grateful for recommendations. It will be mated with a Prima Luna Prologue 5 amp and Sim Audio Mood 100 D dac. I listen primarily to jazz and blues. I lean to the Prima Luna because of the incredible reviews. Thanks so much for the advice.
I should have also mentioned that the speakers will be Von Scheikert VR 22. Thanks again.
I would go for the Cary, but then I'm biased, owning a SLP-98P F1. You may get more synergy with the Prima Luna and your Prima Luna amp.
I'm also biased to the Cary SLP 98. I also own a Prima Luna Dialogue One integrated, use the SLP with my Cary v12 amp. As stated above, the PL3 might have more synergy with PL amp. Good luck.