primaluna gear, avalon eidolon speakers, cardas

I just purchase some primaluna diologue 7 mono amps and their best preamp. I have some Avalon Eidolon Vision speakers to go with all this. I also have all Cardas Golden Reference interconnects and speaker cable. I don't have it all hooked up yet. Any one have an opinion on this set up.
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Wolf -
We should deal with Bo 1972 somewhat compassionately. He appears to be performing his shtick mechanically and sincerely. Kinda brings to mind Jethro Bodine reciting his gazintas.
There he is,tall and proud, just beaming ear to ear as he reels em off:

Two gazinta four two times
Four gazinta eight two times,
Etc. Etc. Etc.

Who are we to rain on his performance? May as we'll let him radiate. After all, I am decidedly less noble. Some time ago it came to me while listening to Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue that it is not my job to prevent people from wasting their money or making bad choices and, hell, it serves no one for me to regret someone else's decisions. If they want to buy Bose or Red Rose or some bucket of snake oil like Mechanica Dynamical, that is not my problem and most certainly none of my biz. I've got a few of my own issues that deserve, but don't get, my unrelenting attention.

Partly because of you, I have developed an appreciation for the value and superiority that can be found in pro gear. Implementing the stuff can be daunting, however. Have you had any experience with Yorkville Sound in Toronto? Danley? B&C, or RCF? Acoustic Horn Co.?
I have RCF drivers in Mackie and EAW (they own Mackie or Mackie owns them...something) speakers, and Yorkville is one of the best pro audio companies out there.

I have a strong reaction to what I consider bullcrap which has little or nothing to do with actual sound, and certain personality types who are either instantly dismissive of others or overuse nonesensical descriptive terms ("speed", "black backgrounds", "PRAT", etc.) designed as pretentious psuedo speak we're all supposed to accept...but not all of us do. Bo1972 will never critically read any other posts to the extent that he can clearly comment on them, and has no clue who Andy Kaufman is. That in itself is kind of it...really...
Andrew Geoffrey Kaufman, I don't know him. Our humor is a lot different compared to humor in the US. It is a lot harder and a lot more on the sarcasm side. When a joke is made in the US, you would laugh, but we would look at eachother and say; we don't think it is funny. I love the Tonight Show. But there is still a big difference compared to here in the Netherlands.

I have a different approach compared to many other people overhere. I still test a lot and Always look for new stuff. I am only interested in the best stuff. That works very effective. Same about 3d sound. You give a demo and ask people to compare it in the same price tag at other shops. Often they come back laughing. They understand the difference is huge. Going back to 2d sound is going back to a much lower level. Sound sells. I only tell what 3D sound makes different. The demo does the work. And that is why the best and most convincing sound sells.

I love comparing, like I love 'battles'in audio. This way is what audio makes so much fun. By selecting the best tools it is so much easier to compete.

A surround specialist in our country said about my system: You have gold in your hands. This is the first time I heard a fully integration of a subwoofer. He closed his eyes and said; your are right the energy is comming from were it is recorded. He is a distributer for: Wadia, Audioresearch, Wilson, Sonus Faber, Transparent, Ayre and even more. He has visited many shows also in the US.

It is a pitty I live on the other side of the world. Then you could hear were I am talking about all the time.

Audio is not about words, but about sound. I sell 3D sound. My focus is on the endresult of every single system. I Always want to create the best sound for the money. I am a very focused person. Focusing on one thing makes it a lot stronger and convincing than when you spread your energy.
Bo1972 - Aren't you spreading your energy unnecessarily by talking to us. I think it highly improbable that anyone here is apt to become your customer.
And it appears clear to me that you will learn nothing from us. So why do you persist in imposing your nonsensical diatribes on an audience you lost at least a month ago?
While you dither away your time on us, Europe is having to do without the benefit of "the gold in your hands". And your relentless name dropping.