Primare I35 Prisma

Hi guys newbie at this forum
I am planning on upgrading my amplifier from Creek Evolution 100 to Primare i35 Prisma. Do you have any experience with i35?
My speakers are spendor a6r and i am using an Oppo 205 for digital.
Alternatively i could go for a gryphon 120 diablo though it is too expensive

I still could not audition the Primare but i am planning to. I am also planning to audition the Bryston B135cubed. There are no reviews so i am very curious about the sound of Bryston as well

I have the I35 Prisma.  it's outstanding.  Plenty of good clean power.  Class D has come a long way>. It's refined, warm, details - almost everything of class A minus the heat.  I have them on Wilson's and 300 watts into 4ohms will get you attention. Y?ou could pay a lot more and get less