Alot of good recommendations so far. If you're into trying some less mainstream but still amazingly well recorded discs, here a few that you might like :
Michael Wintsch/W-H-O, or Trilogy
Rich Halley/Coyotes in the City
Glen Moore/Nude Bass Ascending
Christoph Marguet Trio/Resistance Poetique
Jean Derome/Carnets de Voyage or Navre
Erik Friedlander/Topaz
Jerry Granelli/Another Place
Lucky Four/Lucky Four
Marty Erlich-Ben Goldberg/Light at the Crossroads
Alain Brunet/Dominus
Claudio Pontiggia/Espoir
Kamikaze Ground Crew/The Senic Route
Joey Baron/Crackshot
Eric Boeren 4tet/Joy of a Toy
Nils Wogram/Speed Life
X-Legged Sally/Slow Up
Umberto Petrin/Ellissi
Jim Black/Alasnoaxis
White Widow/White Widow
Michael Wintsch/W-H-O, or Trilogy
Rich Halley/Coyotes in the City
Glen Moore/Nude Bass Ascending
Christoph Marguet Trio/Resistance Poetique
Jean Derome/Carnets de Voyage or Navre
Erik Friedlander/Topaz
Jerry Granelli/Another Place
Lucky Four/Lucky Four
Marty Erlich-Ben Goldberg/Light at the Crossroads
Alain Brunet/Dominus
Claudio Pontiggia/Espoir
Kamikaze Ground Crew/The Senic Route
Joey Baron/Crackshot
Eric Boeren 4tet/Joy of a Toy
Nils Wogram/Speed Life
X-Legged Sally/Slow Up
Umberto Petrin/Ellissi
Jim Black/Alasnoaxis
White Widow/White Widow