Pro-ject tubebox ii : muffled sound

I found a Tubebox ii at a thrift store for a price that I could not refuse.

The sound is muffled, like it is so warm it is in the next room. It still has the original tubes -- is this something that a new set of tubes will likely fix up, or do I need to take it in?

To that end, it calls for 12AX7A tubes, and I'd love any input on choosing replacements (I'm new o tubes) -- the price range and lack of adequate descriptions for tubes is befuddling, but I assume the differences are significant. I can spend anywhere $20 to $2500... hmm.. it'd be nice if the $20 pair worked..

I've been using my McIntosh MA6500's built in phono stage for about a year, and have been happy enough with that.
Does the Tubebox have switches on the bottom for cartridge matching? Check them to see if they are in the right position.

Then I'd try those $20 tubes, see how you like them and then decide if you want to upgrade.

new tubes ((just went with Sovtek) did, in fact, bring this thing online. yay thriftstore!