PROAC D48R Bass Booming

Dear all,  I have just bought a pair of preowned Proac D48R speakers.  I really love these speakers very much.  But the only problem is Bass-boom and because of that, some tracks are unlistenable.  My room is 17 L, 11 W and 10 W.  My source is Ayre CX7EMP and I'm having a Balanced Audio Technology VK3000 SE HYBRID INTEGRATED Amplifier.  Please let me know whether I can solve this problem.  I there any benefit,  if I change my amp and replace it with a Cary Audio SLI100 Tube Integrated amplifier.    Thanks in advance.
I own older Proac 3.8's, and know for a fact they do not work well in a room that small. You should try stand mount monitors with a sub unless you want to go with digital room correction.
To to a local @home, Hobby Lobby or other store that sells artificial plants.  Buy four of five large, leafy artificial plants and position them along the back wall, and between and behind the speakers.  Don't be afraid to use 6-foot or taller plants.  These will act as diffusers and help to reduce the boominess.  Add or remove the plants until you get the correct balance.  
I own a pair of D30R's and I experienced the same "bass bloom" that you have.  My room is about the same area.  Speaker placement is most important.  You have a good distance from the rear wall but are maybe too close to the side walls.  I am fortunate enough to have a few amps (SS and tubes) to alternate before making a new purchase.  I found placement and footing cured the problem without major expenditures.  Good luck.
I have a friend who have the same problem with
his proac d40r, his temporary solution was to put towels
below the speaker port, essentially just laying the towels
below and not stuffing the port itself. He said it minimized
the booming.
I have the d40R (in my opinion better) and I ride them with the Accuphase M-8000 mono. I solved with (see photo my profile). Another excellent one was to use Gaia IsoAcoustics (they work great).
