Problems with Paypal payment?

Hi folks, 

I can't seem to get the Paypal method of payment to connect correctly.  Is that no longer supported?  Has anyone gotten that to work when the list an item for sale in the last day or so?

I haven't sold on here is a while, so the interface is new to me, but when I get to the part where I have to select payment methods, I can select Paypal, but then a popup window opens and nothing happens...

Any advice?
So basically speaking, fraudulent sellers are the only ones who fear PayPal’s customer satisfaction guarantee. 
Did you make sure all your PayPal info is up to date. Including a valid (and not expired) credit card date?
Try disabling your pop up blocker. I think a pop up screen then takes you to PayPal.. If you are using a VPN, try disabling it for the transaction. Otherwise, I’m stumped.

PayPal screws over the seller if it comes down to an issue. I have the buyer pay for PP fees so that’s not an issue. I have been for years protecting myself so nothing is coming back. For example: signature on delivery. There have been a couple of times people wanted their money back because they didn’t receive the product, but when I showed them the receipt with signature that somebody signed for it, they amazingly said, oh ya, we got it. I also take pictures of the unit inside and out so if somebody tries something like a broken part or wants to bait and switch their bad unit with my good 1, it’s all caught on video, especially the serial number and pics on how I packaged the unit. Just recently someone complained about a vintage unit was broken, but I got pics that they ok’d of how it was packaged, and a video showing the unit working before shipping. They backed off after I told them I took pics of the unit inside and out
In Belgium is it not allowed because there are a lot of troubles with that.
People pay,but don’t see their goods afterwards. 7 out of 10 people are cheated by foreigners.....