Problems with Paypal payment?

Hi folks, 

I can't seem to get the Paypal method of payment to connect correctly.  Is that no longer supported?  Has anyone gotten that to work when the list an item for sale in the last day or so?

I haven't sold on here is a while, so the interface is new to me, but when I get to the part where I have to select payment methods, I can select Paypal, but then a popup window opens and nothing happens...

Any advice?
There’s a growing movement (in canada anyways) for sellers distancing themselves from PayPal. Too bad really, because it (moving away from PayPal) implicates a seller as having something to hide. 
Am I understanding that Audiogon is now advising us to use a different transaction method besides PP? I took this advice a few days ago, followed the Agon link, and now am starting a dispute with 'NEXWAY'. If this sounds familiar to anyone, please advise me as to what I should do. This new company has charged $329 to my PP credit. 
I just tried to sell a pair of headphones via Audiogon. I tried several times but I am no longer able to use Paypal. My only option is to connect with a Stripe account. I started to go through this process but it treats me like a business and wants too much info like my last for SSN digits.

I have been a member since 2005 with many transactions. Score is 123 with 100%
I liked the simplicity of PayPal and have only had a couple of issues that were eventually resolved. Since there is no other way to accept payment that is available than Stripe I am done. I tried contacting someone at Audiogon but I get caught in the endless loop of BS... Audiogon was good but now I am fed up. . Perhaps I will be more happy at US AudioMart
Bye Bye Audiogon