Proper Room Designs/Dimensions for Best Acoutics

I have the chance, to build from ground up, a dedicated listening room. I spoke with Dennis Foley and was very impressed with his ideas. Does anyone have any experience with him either directly or indirectly? Does anyone have any general recommendations for me as far as design or dimensions? I know about the "golden ratio" etc.
OK, so I've just finished playing - yet again...

A friends place has a 12ft ceiling, so I've been looking at possible solutions - hence the post above.

So I got to thinking about my room with an 8ft ceiling and how a "baffle curtain" might help.

I just happened to have a piece of heavy duty vinyl 2 ft x 6ft and a couple of lighting stands, so I rigged it such that the vinyl hung down from the ceiling like a banner, across the room and tried it in a couple of positions...

1. just behind the speakers...
- There was some improvements in clarity and image
- nothing really to write home about

2. just behind the listening position...
- talk about an OMG moment!
- clarity improved beyond my expectations
- image now easily exceeds the boundaries of the room on most all tracks
- projection of venue acoustics forward now easily envelopes the listener on many tracks
- it's like surround sound with only two speakers
- the improvements can easily be heard outside of the room also, just amazing.

So if you are thinking about some room treatment, start with the wall behind you and work forwards from there - but make sure it's close to the ceiling.

BTW - I also have a couple of 15" x 78"(tall) panels on the side walls behind the speakers to deal with an echo that travelled across that wall behind the speakers

If you(the O.P.) really care, obtain a copy of The Master Handbook of Acoustics by F. Alton Everest. Beginning on page 100(well, mine is a first edition from 1981) there are a series of formulas, suggestions and explanations, regarding indoor acoustics, reverberation times, avoiding resonances, modes, etc. I've found it an invaluable resource, over the years. (