PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.

Good observations mitch2, let us know when you can make an audition.
I wonder how the D'agostino classic would do against the Karan KAS 600.
By the way i have decided that i will purchase a pair of Thiel CS 7.2 as soon as i find a pair for sale.
Therefore i have to take this into consideration for my amp selection.
Need an amp that will drive both 3.7s and 7.2s with ease and refinement.
The D'agostino classic amp would be a good starting point for some years until i can upgrade to the Momentum monoblocks.
If by any chance the Ypsilons can handle both of these speakers i would rather go the Ypsilon route.
Thieliste,  not sure you want to hear this,  however,  each time I pull up Thiel 3.7 or 7.2 on YouTube,  nearly every video there was krell on these speaker's,  I mind you,  they sounded damn good to me,  I understand opinions are just that,  an opinion,  I believe you will have a smile for a long time after extensive break-in of the Dan D’Agostino classic stereo amplifier,  btw,  Dan himself helped me with my amplifier, I have the only modified krell 700cx out there,  this was completed December 2014, hugely better than a stock 700cx,  so yes,  I'm a Dan D’Agostino and Nelson pass fan, cheers. 
mitch2, underrating the 8 Ohm output to let the lower impedances appear to double is not a new trick.
Thieliste, not sure you want to hear this, however, each time I pull up Thiel 3.7 or 7.2 on YouTube, nearly every video there was krell on these speaker’s, I mind you, they sounded damn good to me, I understand opinions are just that, an opinion
1990’s videos. It’s 2017!

I’m a Krell fan, owned 3 and last FPB600 ... great in its time Current SS is in a different world ... no comparison!

The best I heard 7.2 was at Stereo Shop on Mass Ave in Arlington, MA driven by a full stack of McIntosh.

If by any chance the Ypsilons can handle both of these speakers i would rather go the Ypsilon route.
I would definitely demo before purchase.