PS Audio BHK Pre Amp and Herron VTPH-2A Phono Pre Users

I just purchased a PS Audio BHK pre amp.  I am moving to the BHK because I need to start using XLR cables for long runs to my power amp.  

When using the BHK with the Herron VTPH-2A phono pre, the sound is flat - for want of a better word.  When I use my Herron VTSP-3A(r02) pre amp with the VTPH-2A, the sound is wonderful.  I'm new to tubes.  I think I have an impedance issue.  Anyone else using a Herron phono pre with a BHK pre amp having or had a similar experience.

I had a long talk with Keith. He suggested I run the 3A into a BHK RCA input (I thought of that, but I didn’t want to deal with two remotes).  He also suggested, if I was OK with the sound, to then run the 3A into the BHK HT input, so I wouldn’t have to deal with two remotes. That never occurred to me because I don’t use HT bypass.  

I tried the RCA input with the Herron volume set to 80, and while the sound was a bit better, it’s nowhere near the Herron/Herron sound. I’m going to try different loading options to see what happens and report back.
After futzing with loading plugs, the 1K plug gives me a sound that I’m quite happy with.  I had planned to sell the 3A, but for now I’ll keep it.  I’ll try the HT input after the East coast storms go away.