purchasing US made speakers

I currently have psb imagine t2 speakers. I am interested in replacing them with US manufactured speakers 10-12 k being the maximum price....perhaps aerial acoustics, vandersteen,,,,,any thoughts? My hearing at age 70 diminishes at 8,000 hz so a good midrange is probably good.
I would second helomech with Eggleston Works. One of their standmount speakers, not sure which one, was a nice surprise. Nice enough to go back to that room a few times. Bache is another good one that flies under the radar.
Actually there are a bunch of whiners who B about the hyper expensive high end when in fact incredible sound is available for relatively low $$$$$
pretty much across the board:
try this : VPI table or Arm, sub in a Well Tempered, Grado or SoundSmith cartridge, Rogue, VTL or Ayre Integrated or an Aesthetix Mimas, most of the great speakers listed above, decent wires and Yowsa !!!!!
I forgot to include Induction Dynamics for high-end and for a tremendous value proposition, their sister company, Phase Technology's PC lineup.