Pure Note Epsilon cable directionality.

I have almost 200 hours on my PN epsilons and I thought I would reverse the direction (the manual says that it may make a difference). I only listened for an hour or so but there's definately more presence/authority with the cables reversed. I don't know if it's good or bad but I'd like to give the cables another 50 hours of burn-in before I do any real listening.
Has anyone else done or experience this?

Jose: As you probabaly know I have owned Pure Note cables for the past year and am quite satisfied. I have also reversed the cables and have heard some changes. It really depends on the equipment. Tom says the end opposite the label is the "shield ground" and theoretically this should face the output of your equipment (or label end to component input). Some audiophiles say that the shield ground should be at the input. This is why Tom suggests that you try it both ways to arrive at the best sonics.
Tom's email pretty much echoes Sonic's post. After a little more listening today, I prefer the cables reversed. A little more air with the cables in the original position, but I prefer the fuller sound.
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