Purist Audio - Maximus Interconnects & Jumpers

Hi, I have just acquired a pair of Purist Audio Maximus interconnect cables and a set of Purist Audio Jumpers. As there is no sign indicating the direction of signal flow, it would be highly appreciated if you can help me to set them up in the right way. Thanks.
Hi Albertporter

Which the Best BUY between OLD and the NEW 25th Anniversary ?
Made with Silver and Gold material ? Which Defferent Musicality
Presentation ?
Hi AlbertPorter,

Please help which the different between Old 25th Anniversary and the NEW Luminist 25th Anniversary the Old made with Silver material? and the NEW made with Gold material?
which the Better for Music Lover

Sorry for delay, a big storm blew through Dallas cutting power and all communication at our place for four days.

Both Purist 25th Anniversary Praesto AND new Luminist is 100% silver.

The difference is improved super thin Teflon insulation on Luminist and quieter (new version) Ferox fill. Signal to noise is 1 to 3 DB depending on which cable and where in the system. Very dramatic on phono where signal is small.

Luminist is overall noticeably quieter, more dynamic and even lower distortion in every position. I changed all the cable in my system and got a big improvement.

That said, unless you compare the two directly you would never change from older Praesto revision. It's incredible cable.
AlbertPoter Thank you for your reply
Your Purist Luminist 25 Anniversary Power Cables
termination used Wattgate 360 EVO Silver? or Gold?
plug and IEC

Thanks Again
The new 25th Anniversary Luminist uses EVO Wattgate AU330 (Gold).

I cannot separate performance benefit of EVO plugs from the other improvements but the package is a nice upgrade. Also, I have several demo 25th cables here at Audiogon (paid ads) if you are considering Praesto.