Purist or Kubala-which to buy for entire system

I am finally pretty darn happy with my system. It consists of Epiphany 12/12 speakers, modded Dodd 120's, and APL 3910, with latest Sound Applications Linestage. I have lots more eq, but, I am trying to simplify. I may end up using a Pre-amp, but I am not sure yet. I do have Dodd Reference Modded, and Modwright modded. Now, my quandry lays here. I am presently using Xindak gold 3 meter interconnects(1 amp on each stand, 8 feet apart). Speaker cable I am using bested Virtual Dynamic Revelation in my system, it is no name, as of yet, but the wire is used to seal Nuclear waste, and sounds amazing. My power cords are Purist Dominus on Sound Applications, Electragide Ultra Khan RR on APL, and stock on my amps.

I have an opportunity to get "a deal" on the latest Kubala Sosna Emotion, and/or Purist line of cables. For the price I can get it for, I cannot audition.

I would also appreciate opinions on whether I should put my amps together, and get longer speaker wire, or longer interconnects.

I have been told by Rick Schultz(VD)and others that the only real way to get the BEST synergy is using same brand cable thu-out system. I just dunno, and in commiting well over 5K to cables alone....I would like some assistance.

Thanks in advance, and best of luck in your journey

Alberporter. Probably the Dominus was created in Texas and was sold to the Indonesia market.
What does that matter?
If they end up on the US Market, people will not be getting what they think was purchased.
There is no idication on the cable. The serial number is the only check.

Albertporter, I know you are a Purist Dealer trying to protect your product ,
But we Audiogoners need to be aware of this danger when buying used Purist Dominus.
Ozzy I agree people need to be protected, that's why that distributor has been banned from getting any additional Purist product.

You would be surprised at just how many other big name lines that guy in Indonesia has been hacking into the US market. It's not just Purist we need to be careful of in this new world economy. Everyone should check the history and serial numbers of product they are considering buying.

Audiogon supports this and has removed suspicious product before members get burned. No other web site is nearly as responsible and protective of it's members.

I'm glad to see that "Smilin" has provided an update to the question:

08-06-06: Duffydawg

Hi Smilin,

Could you update us as to which cables you have chosen, and how they are working? Did you listen to both?

Here's the partial answer:


Thanks for the update Smilin!
Alright, here I go.............I am selling all my cables"interconencts, speaker wire"cause I have found MY FAVORITE in nanotec cables. Golden Strata 79 interconnects, and 201 speaker wire from Steve at SOS=sounds of silence audio. WOW, I can not believe the sound I am hearing from my system. Immediate sound, unburnt was better than my Dominus IC. after 72 hours, man oh man, I am a smilin guy now.

My system sounds like I have only been dreaming about, extended, with no glare, tight bass/mid bass,midrange to die for, halls, sound like halls, abience beyond belief. Vocals to die for, holographic as all get out. Just the ULTIMATE in musicality for me. I can use all the audiophile terms, but, they really do not do justice. I am finally, thank-god, not analyzing my music, but, I am listening, tapping my toes, and at the same time, saving BIG $$$$$, which also outs a great big smilin smile on my face. I am in awe. Nuff said.

BTW, all my PC's are still Dominus.(so far)
Hi Smilin,

Thanks for the update and suggestion (new direction)!

Best regards,
