q3 magico

Good morning .....
There are no review on q3??
Thank you to all forum members.
If it matters, I've heard the Q3 once at its introduction, and when I read Jeff's review I thought it was exactly spot on - that is, up to the point where he compares it with the Tidal, which I haven't heard, therefore can't judge that part of the review; although I have heard other MDF/Accuton speakers, albeit not with Mundorf-based crossovers.

I also thought that the Q3 was a completely different beast than the V3 and now also *musical* unlike the V3. But these are just my opinions like everyone else's. If I were not totally annoyed by the price increase, I would have probably bought the Q3s, and certainly can't spend tens of thousands of dollars on MDF.

When it comes to MDF, I'll just say this: I am glad my reasonably-priced furniture is real cherry and walnut, and would never care for MDF furniture no matter how cheap it might be, much less if it were expensive.
Try the UK price of £35,000 - currently ~$56,0000. Not sure of the price here on the Continent.
I see in this months TAS that the price of the Q3's is 38900 and the Q5's is 65K