Quad 2912 vs Martin Logan ESL 11a

I am seriously considering electrostatic speakers although living in a part of the world where dealership for both brands do not have all models on hand for audition. While the 2912's were unavailable, a Quad 2812 was available a month ago for audition. It was in an all Quad setup, with a solid state and a 40  watts tube amp for comparison. In a 4 x 4m room, the music was very engaging playing Miles, Coltrane, and Heifetz. Transparency and speed were plenty evident, and  there was a warmth and solidity ( coherence ?) that was a pleasant surprise.  

Last weekend,  audition of  the Martin Logan's esl X was arranged . This is a few step down from the 11a's. Although it was in a totally different system, the ML seemed to be of a different sound signature. Brighter, more air? Ultimately I was not  impressed with the X's, the woofer seemed not to integrate well with the panels. And the salesperson admitted as mush. He said an audition could be arranged in a week or two for the 11a. 

While I wait for a proper audition of the ML 11a,  I would appreciate any comment specific to these two speaker models. Not all electrostatic speakers are created equal, as I have found out.   If the choice came down to the two, what are the issues that needs to be considered?
Franking, after auditioning the Quad 2812, I was quite taken by the speakers. I was ready to go with Quads. But reviews for ML masterpiece series are really positive. Decided to wait.

I do worry about QC issues with the newer Quads. I have read user reviews regarding the stability of the panels. I live in a part of the world where humidity is a real issue. I have been warned off electrostatics by friends. However, from what I have read, both brands recognize and acknowledge the humidity problem. And apparently both panels are less susceptible to humidity degradations. Still I have read problems....

I have no experience with the Quads. I do own a pair of the ML 11A’s and love them. They are fast transparent and airy. They deliver awesome highs without being fatiguing. The mids are full and warm and do not get cluttered. The bass is fast and rich.
There is a big difference between the masterpiece series and the rest of the Martin Logan line up. I suggest taking a listen to the 11A’s and see for your self.
@pvmike2 Thanks for that assessment. I have arranged an audition of the 11a this weekend. Looking forward to confirming that the integration of bass with electrostatic panel is not an issue. I will report back shortly.
I'd vote for the Quads. ML's always sound too bright to me and a bit tizzy, and the bass doesn't match the speed of the stats. But of course your own ears have to be the judge!