Quad ESL 989 and Maggie 3.6s

I'm thinking of moving from the world of monitors and floorstanders to planers/electrostats -- this is partly due to my new amps, a set of McIntosh MC-501s, which finally give me more than ample power to get into this world.

So, I'm wondering if anyone has listened closely to both of these speakers, or has strong opinions toward one or the other? I've heard both described as near-ultimates of the type and certainly as "giant killers." Unfortunately, I have not heard the Quads (and it's been a long time since I have heard Quads).

One possible consideration against the Quads is that we do have small children in the house and they could be dangerous.

FWIW, I always find it interesting when people complain about the lack of bass (32hz+) in the 63's and 988's. Most often these are the same folks who say the speakers sound best when they are elevated 8 to 12 inches off the floor (which would reduce the bass in any speaker, box or stat due to a change in the floor reflections which reinforced the bass when they were on the floor.)

Peter Walker designed the Quad 63's to be on the floor (he later changed is mind but I think this change was more about sales than sonics.

A well set up 63 or 988, on the floor, will produce a very tight and flat bass down to the mid 30's and it does not screw up the mid-range, it just fleshes it out. I had full range boxes and 63's in my room which measured exactly the same when the Quads were on the floor and the imaging was not effected either. Off the floor (I have stands for the Quads) they sound brightish and enemic.

Just some more stuff to think about..........
Hi Newbee. For the record I don't want my comments regarding the Quad's deficient bottom end taken as a complaint. The 88 and 89 are world class speakers and I enjoyed my 88's immensely for 3 years. However, they are what they are, and to truly appreciate the depth of recorded music, a subwoofer(s) is required; not specifically for Quads but most speakers. There exist very very few speaker systems that will not benefit from a properly selected and positioned subwoofer system. For more information check all of the threads currently running here on Audiogon outlining the rationale. I won't even begin to enumerate all the reasons; it would simply be duplicitous. Look for posts by member Rauliruegas; he's done a lot of homework on the subject.
>>You've got some nice stuff,<<

Antique Sound Labs, Denon, Audioquest, Audio Refinement, B&K.

You're kidding right?
"I can't imagine how there could be a soundstage without any space behind/between the quads (SIC)."

'Any space?' Huh? They're SEVEN FEET from the front wall. I sure am glad all you folks know so much about me and my system...NOT.
I had magnepan and moved into second system and replace with 988 Quad. Use same amp, Pass, then try different amp, quad II tubed mono. Quad speaker sound good but magnepan is better, more real, more life, more present.
Quad very good, magnpan better for creating live music.
