Quad ESL or Soundlab?

Have anyone compared those two brands? Both of them are ESL, I have heard the New Quad 2805 driven with Quad's 15watt tube mono block, they sounded amazing, very transparent and uncolored. Didn't have chance to hear Soundlab yet but will be very interesting to hear from ppl who have heard both speakers.


When purchasing my Soundlabs, Dr. West wouldn't cite a specific type of amplification, let alone a specific manufacturer.

While some Soundlab owners use SS amps, such as JC1's, many others prefer tubes. Ralph's Atma-Sphere's receive extremely high marks, and I love the CAT's I use to drive mine!
The Quad 57.
For a speaker design pushing 60 years old it sure has left its mark in audio history right up to today and no dought in my mind beyond.

I believe the going price today of a overhauled pair of 57s or 63s range from $2,500 to $3,500.00?

There is nothing on the audio market at this price that could even begin to approach this sonic value....Nothing

If you have room for an extra pair of speakers you will charish these for the rest of your life.

Dear Mrmb: In my friend's case the advise was specific on those amplifiers.

Now, for what I heard through it are very good match and of course not the only amplifier alternative.

Regards and enjoy the music.
A note to Tennis : A friend of mine had BOTH an original pair of 57's in great condition and a pair of Wayne's rebuilds bought on A-gon, also mint. He was driving them with a Marantz 8b. We both expected the rebuilds to sound better (?) in some way, but they felt harsh and in-your-facewere (compared to original 57's that is! it's still a decent stat) and they were no match for the originals in terms of smoothness, flatness of response, etc. Just a heads up FWIW. I'd be more inclined to buy a working original 57 and service it as necessary (rather than a complete rebuild with new panels etc.)
I know the "57" may be a dated design,but "MY GOD",hearing one well driven can be SO much fun!!

I remember hearing a gorgeous pair,playing Steely Dan's-AJA awhile ago.Driven by a Classic Audio Research amp.I just "got lost in the presentation"!!Maybe a bit rolled in freq extremes,but I did not care at all.It was uniquely great!!

It is kind of like loving some "amazing attribute on a sexy woman,whereas she still may not be womanly perfection...BUt,you don't care.You simply like the "it" SO much!