Quality of recording while evaluating speakers

Melody Gardot, Diana Krall, and others.

The above recordings are done so well they sound absolutely Great in most systems. And then there are recordings that are not as open and have trouble filling the room enjoyably and yet the melodies are very good and it's unfortunate they didn't do a better good job in the recording studio.

So how do you evaluate a speaker other than to be familiar with a recording on how it sounds in your system versus how it sounds in another system.  Basically we are at the mercy of Recording quality when we listen to our systems.

Even more painful is home theater streaming when the music is wonderful but the quality sucks and once in a while it sounds really good but this can be rare which is sad.

So speaker manufacturers have to deal with these issues and we put up with poor recordings and how does this factor into your decisions when evaluating new speakers?

So we end up buying really nice speakers knowing that so much of what we will eventually listen to Will not have been recorded very well making things a bit frustrating at times.  There's only so much that can be done to make things sound better given these limitations. So how does one cope with all this?



nope.  evaluate using recordings that you know personally and know exactly what they should sound like.  

I had a friend come over to listen to my stereo.  he put on a song I didn't know and in 10 seconds said "your channels are reversed".  I had just swapped out a component before he arrieved and he was right.  

Evaluate that the recording sounds like you expect it to on the best system you've ever heard.  

As I upgraded my system, using the same songs, I was always amazed when an upgrade would reveal things i'd never heard before.  that would not be revealed to me on a track I didn't know very, very well.

Now most of us will tend to listen to tracks that are well recorded but that is for a different reason.

One track I like is Sympathy for the Devil, not known to be well recorded.  but most of us heard it over and over on bad systems, probasbly spinning worn out vinyl on a cheap player with a junk stylus, in our youth.  Put it on with a good system and there is a lot of detail in there you never heard before.   oh yeah, you no longer need to turn it up to enjoy it.


An aside re: boring Diana Krall. FWIW this is my take on DK. Sleep-inducing, indeed.

However...recently a jazz -piano-playing friend turned me onto her third studio album: "All For You: A Dedication to the Nat King Cole Trio." On it, Krall actually swings and plays a mean piano. Sounds pretty good, too.


Absolutely, Aside from singing traditional songs she is an amazing Jazz piano Player. I’ll check out the recommendation.

Just yesterday, I was at my dealer listening to a pair of speakers I’m interested in and I created a playlist on Qobuz of music I know and like.  Unfortunately, they only have Tidal. However I was able to pull up the playlist on my phone and then use the Hifi Rose app and Tidal and hear my tunes.